600gm Carton of Treeton Hill Farm Fresh Eggs
One dozen fresh TREETON HILL farm™ Pasture Raised Eggs from Free to Forage Hens (Minimum Total Weight 600gm per dozen).
You can pick up a dozen TREETON HILL FARN™ Pasture Raised Eggs from one of our ‘Partner Locations’ in your local area. All within 72 hours or less of being laid by one of our free TO FORAGETM Hens in our mobile and free ranging hen houses.
We believe in FREE TO FORAGE TM
Out of respect for these highly social and inquisitive birds, our goal at TREETON HILL farm™ is to sustainably produce wholesome food, utilizing a traditional, ultra-low stocking density, extensive farming method. We achieve this by only free ranging up to 140 Hens per hectare of pasture (71 square meters of open range pasture per Hen annually), with mobile housing and enclosures that are moved onto fresh new pasture every week.
See our Partners